How Social Media Changed the A&R in the Music Industry

selective focus photo of DJ mixer

Jelani Wray is a successful New York-based restauranteur and music production manager. As part of his ongoing efforts to sign new artists into record label rosters, Jelani “Lani” Wray frequently turns to social media.

Social media has changed the perception and the responsibilities of artists and repertoire (A&R) representatives in the music industry. With downloadable music and streaming phenomenons that have shaped the previous decades, social media promotions can now make or break a new title. Considering the prevalence of social media following any upcoming entertainment star, A&R representatives must compromise between visibility, publicity, and the artist’s personal life and privacy.

Using social media as one of the primary sources of finding new talent also helps find the core audience quickly. New trends based on the audience’s preference allow A&R representatives to develop new content and marketing campaigns with minimal effort. Social media can turn the audience into creators and consumers simultaneously, allowing for constant change in the A&R responsibilities.

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